
Colored Sketch $65.
Character is roughly sketched, cleaned up and colored with a simple background

Flat color $95.
Entire character is neatly lined and colored with a simple background.
Additional characters + $20. per

Cell Shaded $125.
Entire character is lined, colored, and shaded with some lighting with a simple background
Includes some simple items, for ex: toys, a pillow, and clothing designs.
Additional characters are $35. per

Detailed $275.
Typically for larger projects. Price will vary depending on complexity.
Final commission will Include a detailed background with lighting, shading.
Additional characters are $50. per

Character Ref Sheet $125.
No shading or lighting is added to ref sheets
Includes, front & back view of your character. 3 personal items, gender, name, fur color’s
Head shots are an additional $15. Clothing Chibi Character + $10.
NSFW Alt views = $25. Additional items/ accessories + $5.

Flat color $55. Shaded $65. Lighting & Shading $75.
Icons are drawn at a higher resolution for best results, final copy will include a lower resolution for uploading.

Digital Badges
Will be lined, colored. Badges can be either 3x4" or 4x 6 '' to print. Be sure to specify a name if you would like one displayed and what size badge you prefer.
Half body $50.
Full body $60.
Shaded + $10. Lighting and shading + $20.
Printing, laminating + $20. + shipping costs
Shipping prices may vary outside for purchases outside the USA.

Telegram Stickers $15./ea
15 can be purchased at a time.
Includes full, half body, or YCH, simple diaper designs/ clothing included.
Additional characters which require a ref + $10. per